
Fed Judge Halts Biden Admin, Saves TX Border Wire!

A federal judge has rendered a significant and crucial intervention on behalf of the state of Texas by issuing a provisional restraining order against the Biden administration. This order prevents the removal or damage of the concertina wire that Texas strategically placed along the boundary between the United States and Mexico. It's time for someone to defend the interests of the American people and uphold the rule of law!

Several defendants, including the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, and U.S. Customs & Border Protection, were appropriately targeted by an emergency motion filed by Texas. Texas, in opposition to the federal authorities who had observed them cutting concertina wire near the boundary, was not swaying. They were well aware that this act of property destruction was merely a pretense to facilitate the unauthorized entry of migrants into our nation.

Since September of last year, Texas has repeatedly observed federal officials intensifying their devastation of state property, prompting the initiation of the lawsuit. Texas presented a substantial body of evidence—including photographs, videos, and official declarations—illustrative of particular occurrences in which the federal government caused injury to their property, thereby granting unauthorized access.

The court, thankfully, recognized the significance of preserving the status quo pending the outcome of a more comprehensive preliminary injunction hearing. The court acknowledged the potential for irreparable damage to befall Texas should the destruction of the concertina wire persist. Ultimately, the erosion of state authority over its property and the imposition of irrecoverable expenses resulting from the devastation are consequences of the government's sovereign immunity.

Attorney General Ken Paxton, an ardent supporter of the conservative ideology, expressed legitimate apprehensions regarding the prevention of illicit endeavors such as unauthorized entry, human trafficking, drug transportation, and possible infiltration by terrorists. Someone should immediately take action to ensure the security and protection of our country!

Numerous lawsuits have been filed by the Biden administration against the state of Texas, criticisming their efforts to secure the southern border. Texas, however, will not back down. They explicitly stated in their litigation that the destruction of the concertina wire by the federal government not only infringed upon their property rights but also undermined their border security endeavors. The actions of the federal government have compromised the effectiveness of Texas's border barriers as deterrents against illicit entry. It is abhorrent!

Texas implemented razor wire fencing earlier this year as a proactive measure in reaction to the unprecedented influx of unauthorized entries. boundary Patrol agents should have been supporting Texas rather than fist-bumping migrants as they walked across the boundary; this is regrettable. This disregard for our sovereignty and laws is extremely concerning.

Officials of the Border Patrol assert that they have a legal duty to apprehend migrants upon encounter. Nevertheless, such an argument fails to warrant the elimination of border security measures in Texas. When individuals encounter the barbed wire situated on American soil, it is the responsibility of Border Patrol agents to apprehend them rather than permit them to pass through unimpeded.

Additionally, the lawsuit filed by Texas drew attention to the Department of Homeland Security's previous use of razor wire fencing as a deterrent against unauthorized border incursions. It is ironic that while the federal government acknowledges the efficacy of this measure in other contexts, it opts to eliminate it when Texas deploys it for border protection. The hypocrisy and double standards are abhorrent.

The Biden Administration should cease its political machinations and place the safety and security of the American people as its top priority. Conservatives who uphold the principles of the rule of law should mirror the resolute stance taken by Texas. Ensuring the integrity of our nation requires the enforcement of immigration laws and the protection of our borders. God bless the United States and Texas.

Written by Staff Reports

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