
Fed Up GOP Senator Orders Deep Dive into Forbes Contributor’s Credibility

In a strongly-worded critique, Senator J.D. Vance, a conservative Republican from Ohio, lambasted a Forbes article that advocated for the removal of "whiteness" from workplaces. The piece, initially titled "3 Ways to Decenter Whiteness in Your Workplace," was penned by Janice Gassam Asare, the founder of the diversity, equity, and inclusion consultancy, BWG Business Solutions. Asare argued that workplaces often prioritize white dominant culture, potentially sidelining non-white groups and cultures.

Vance did not mince words in his disapproval, deeming the article "unpleasant," "racially biased," and "objectionable." He urged Forbes to reflect on its decision to publish such content and indicated his intention to investigate whether Asare's consultancy receives any public funding. Conservative commentator Benny Johnson joined the criticism, suggesting potential federal prosecution for Asare under the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which prohibits race-based discrimination.

Presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy entered the fray, asserting that there is no concept of "reverse racism," only racism in its pure form. The backlash gained momentum with a tweet highlighting the pervasive influence of "white culture" in our lives, adding a touch of humor to the impracticality of attempting to "de-center" from a culture deeply embedded in our daily existence.

Critics argue that efforts to eradicate intrinsic racial characteristics, such as culture and perspectives, from society amount to the very essence of racism. They question the double standard that permits the removal of "whiteness" from the workplace while rejecting any notion of removing "blackness." This apparent racism, they contend, hides behind terms like "equity" and "justice."

Vance's concerns about public funding for Asare's consultancy, purportedly a "diversity consultant," hold weight. Diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives, critics emphasize, should not become platforms to scapegoat white Americans or subject employees to racially charged harassment under the guise of progressivism. True inclusion, they argue, involves considering the needs and concerns of every group, including white individuals.

The attempt to virtue-signal what critics label as overt racism, they assert, only serves to deepen national divisions rather than fostering unity. They emphasize the importance of promoting genuine equality and fairness without resorting to discriminatory practices.









Written by Staff Reports

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