
Federal Court Blocks Biden’s Title IX Rule in Six States

In another blow to Biden’s agenda, a federal appeals court refused to let the administration’s new Title IX rule slide through unchecked. The 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals stepped in. It maintained a preliminary injunction against the overreach, effectively blocking the rule in six states – Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia. This battle is just the latest skirmish in a broader Republican-led resistance nationwide.

The court’s decision signals a judicial recognition that the new rule’s definition of sex discrimination might be a bridge too far, even for the bureaucratic wizards at the Department of Education. Apparently, there are still judges who understand that words mean things, and redefining “sex discrimination” in this context exceeds the Department’s authority.

Kentucky Attorney General Russell Coleman quickly declared this ruling a victory for common sense. He pointed out that Title IX has been protecting women and girls for half a century and that Biden’s latest move threatens to undermine those protections. Coleman praised the 6th Circuit as the first appellate court to block Biden’s blatant assault on fundamental rights.

Meanwhile, predictably, the LGBTQ+ advocacy groups sounded the alarm, claiming the ruling would place transgender children in danger. They urge schools to implement the Title IX Rule anyway, brushing aside the court’s opinion like an inconvenient fact. Drama much? And they wonder why people call them out for playing the victim card.

The reality is that Republicans are challenging this regulation in court for good reason. They see it for what it is: a stealthy attempt to blur biological lines and allow transgender girls to compete on girls’ athletic teams. The Biden administration insists the rule doesn’t apply to athletics, but many don’t buy that line for a second. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s probably a duck.

So, as the legal wrangling continues, this latest ruling from the 6th Circuit shines a welcome light on the sometimes shadowy maneuvers of the current administration. With a full hearing set for the fall, President Biden’s Title IX expansion might face its toughest challenge.

Written by Staff Reports

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