
Federal Judge Rocks Biden’s Boat: Unprecedented Setback Unveiled!

A badass federal judge in Texas just dropped a big ol’ hammer on the Biden administration!  This judge granted a temporary restraining order that says the feds can’t mess with the concertina wire that Texas put up on the U.S.-Mexico border. Take that, Biden!

Texas was sick and tired of the feds destroying their property by cutting their wire near the border. And they had every right to be mad! Texas knows that the feds want to let all these migrants into the country, and they ain’t gonna stand for it. The Lone Star State filed a motion to protect their wire and keep those pesky migrants out.

The judge agreed with Texas and said, “Hold on, Biden, you can’t just go around destroying other people’s property!” He put a temporary stop to the feds’ shenanigans and said they gotta leave Texas’ wire alone. The judge knows that Texas needs that wire to keep control of their own land. You go, judge!

But here’s the thing, folks. This is just a temporary fix. The judge wants to have a more in-depth hearing later on, so he can figure out what’s really going on. Texas has been dealing with the feds destroying their wire for a while now, and they’re not gonna let it slide. And you know what? They shouldn’t! 

Good on Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton for standing up to the Biden Administration. He knows that Texas has a duty to protect its own territory and keep out all the bad stuff, like illegal entry, human trafficking, and drug smuggling. The Biden team has been trying to sue Texas left and right for their efforts to secure the border, but Texas ain’t backing down. They’re ready to fight for what’s theirs. 

So, while this restraining order is a step in the right direction, we gotta keep pushing for a long-term solution. Texas needs that wire to lock down the border and keep Americans safe. And you can bet your boots that they won’t rest until they get it. 

Written by Staff Reports

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Fed Judge Halts Biden Admin, Saves TX Border Wire!

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