
Feinstein’s Farewell Exposes Left’s Hypocrisy on Biden’s Decline

Last week, the nation bid farewell to Sen. Dianne Feinstein, a liberal icon from the great state of California. Now, let’s be clear here, folks. Feinstein may have been on the wrong side of the aisle, firmly entrenched on the Left, but she was a senator you could at least have a conversation with. There were moments when she surprised us all, like when she actually spoke some sense to a group of school kids about why she wasn’t on board with that disastrous Green New Deal. Good for her!

But let’s not forget, folks, that Feinstein had her fair share of controversies. Towards the end of her career, her mental health started to decline, and it wasn’t pretty. It’s funny how the Democrats who are now eulogizing her conveniently forget the endless calls to push her out of the Senate. They accused her of clogging up the confirmation pipeline and being too old and incapable of doing her job. Now, that’s some real hypocrisy right there, folks.

And here’s the thing, folks: the same argument against Feinstein could easily be applied to our dear President Joe Biden. Let’s be honest, his mental and physical state doesn’t exactly inspire confidence, does it? It’s truly astonishing how the left-leaning media shied away from this topic, even though they were quick to note the supposed sexism directed towards Feinstein. But hey, it’s all for the greater good, right? Or so they claim.

You know who did have the guts to call out the left’s hypocrisy? Washington Post columnist and Fox News contributor, Marc Thiessen. When news broke of Feinstein’s passing, Thiessen wasted no time reminding everyone how she was unceremoniously removed as chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee for not doing enough to derail the nomination of the highly qualified Amy Coney Barrett. Talk about a slap in the face!

So, folks, let’s remember Feinstein for what she was. A liberal stalwart, sure, but also someone who faced criticism from both sides of the aisle. It’s a mixed bag, really. Farewell, Senator Feinstein. May you finally find the partisan peace you so deeply desired.

Written by Staff Reports

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