
Fiery Greene Defends Trump, Dunks on Beltway Elites!

Georgia Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene is fighting back against groups and media outlets that are trying to remove Donald Trump from the ballot in the 2022 Republican primary. She told Breitbart News that she is going to keep fighting to stay on the ballot.

It has been argued that Donald Trump should be removed from the presidential race due to his alleged involvement in a riot on January 6. However, Greene noted that this claim is similar to an attack that she faced during her primary in 2022. She said that the judge who was involved in her case did not find evidence of rebellion or insurrection.

According to Greene, her victory in a case based on the principle of free speech would serve as a precedent for Trump's future cases. She noted that if she lost, her name would not have been on the ballot and she would not be able to run for office again.

Democrats are working incredibly hard to remove Trump from the presidential race in key states, such as Michigan, New Hampshire, and Arizona. Jocelyn Benson, the Secretary of State of Michigan, noted that this issue could have several different resolutions throughout the election season. It is clear that the Democrats are committed to stopping Trump from running for president.

Despite her loss, Greene is still undeterred. She noted that her victory in court has set a strong precedent for future cases involving Trump. She believes that this will help him win the Republican Party's primary and challenge Joe Biden for the presidency. She also said that her legal battle had cost her around a million dollars. However, it was worth it to defend her right to be on the ballot.

It is not yet clear if the efforts of the "pompous asshole" movement will be able to remove Trump from the race. However, Greene is not backing down from her fight. She is going to continue fighting to defend Trump's right to run for office.

Written by Staff Reports

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