
Florida AG Sues Garland Over Federal Interference In Trump Plot Case

Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody has taken the fight to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland, filing a lawsuit that exposes yet another overreach from the Biden administration. The case centers around what can only be described as the second assassination attempt against former President Trump, which unfolded at his golf course in Palm Beach, shocking many and exemplifying the lengths some will go to disrupt our democracy.

In the latest twist of this saga, Ryan Routh has been indicted on five counts for allegedly brandishing a firearm through the bushes while targeting Trump’s property. It seems that the Justice Department is less interested in unraveling this alarming plot and more focused on obstructing state-level investigations. Moody claims federal officials moved in “almost immediately,” trying to block Florida from digging deeper into the incident that has all the elements of a Hollywood thriller.

The lawsuit paints a picture of federal officials telling state investigators to essentially play nice and sit down. They reportedly indicated that Florida lacks the jurisdiction to pursue its own investigation and can’t even chat with witnesses on the ground. One has to wonder if these federal officials have confused their roles with a babysitting service, as they appear eager to keep Florida officials from doing their job.

Governor Ron DeSantis hasn’t taken this lying down. The Florida GOP chief directed state agencies to ensure that Routh faces the right charges, signaling that the state intends to assert its rights and responsibilities in protecting its citizens. After all, if a would-be assassin is running around with a gun while aiming it at a former president, color me shocked if the state doesn’t jump into action.

This entire episode raises serious questions about the Biden administration’s commitment to justice and its willingness to interfere in state matters. It’s hard not to see the trend here – federal overreach, piling on unnecessary restrictions, and not supporting local authorities in safeguarding individuals. There’s a reason many in the sunshine state are demanding less federal interference and more respect for state sovereignty. In this heated political climate, it’s clear that what’s at stake is not just the safety of a former president, but the very principles of governance that the Founding Fathers fought to establish.

Written by Staff Reports

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