
Florida School Official OKs Smut for 8-Year-Olds!

In a shocking and disturbing revelation, the assistant principal of Terwilliger Elementary School in Florida, Garrett Jones, has declared that it is suitable for 8-year-old children to be exposed to pornography and “dirty” magazines. This outrageous statement came to light during a recent hearing, where Jones defended the inclusion of a book discussing a “transgender” child’s gender identity in the school’s library.

The book in question, “Melissa,” previously published as “George,” reportedly delves into explicit topics such as intercourse and transgender procedures. Jones, when asked if 8-year-olds should have access to books referencing “dirty magazines and pornography,” shockingly responded with a resounding “yes.” It is utterly appalling that an educator entrusted with the well-being and moral development of young children could advocate for such inappropriate and harmful material.

Furthermore, Jones attempted to evade the gravity of his stance by suggesting that introducing pro-LGBTQ+ books to children would merely stimulate a healthy conversation. This is a blatant disregard for the innocence and vulnerability of young minds, and it is deeply concerning that someone in a position of authority would normalize the exposure of children to adult content.

Despite the outrage and justified criticism following Jones’ disturbing remarks, Alachua County School officials have shamelessly attempted to defend his indefensible position. They have claimed that Jones’ comments were taken out of context and that he did not consider the book in question to be pornographic. However, the fact remains that “Melissa,” with its highly inappropriate content, was ultimately removed from the school library.

This incident is yet another alarming example of the left’s relentless push to infiltrate schools with inappropriate and explicit material under the guise of promoting inclusivity and diversity. It is imperative for parents and communities to remain vigilant and vocal in protecting the moral innocence of children from such harmful influences. The recent decision by a school board in Maryland to restrict access to sexually explicit books serves as a crucial reminder of the importance of safeguarding young students from inappropriate content.

The disturbing endorsement of exposing young children to pornography and explicit material by an assistant principal is a clear indication of the urgent need to uphold traditional values and protect the impressionable minds of our youth from the left’s relentless agenda. The reprehensible remarks made by Garrett Jones should serve as a wake-up call for all Americans who are committed to preserving the innocence and moral upbringing of our future generations.

Written by Staff Reports

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