
Florida’s Bold Move: Sanity in Schools, Trans Bathroom Restrictions, & Anti-Woke Win!

In a shocking turn of events, the Florida Board of Education has actually made some sensible decisions for once. On Wednesday, they approved new standards that will finally bring some sanity back into our schools. First off, they’re advising schools to teach that enslaved people in the United States had some skills and could benefit from them. Finally, some recognition that not everything about slavery was terrible! It’s about time we acknowledge that not all historical events are black and white, no pun intended.

But that’s not all, folks! The board also took a stance on the bathroom debacle, and rightly so. They’ve restricted which bathrooms transgender students can use. It’s common sense, really. Boys use the boys’ bathroom, and girls use the girls’ bathroom. It’s like the good ol’ days, where men were men and women were women. None of this confusion about pronouns and gender identity. Let’s keep things simple, people!

And speaking of pronouns, the board has prohibited the use of “preferred pronouns” in schools. Thank goodness! Pronouns are meant to be based on biology, not on some made-up gender spectrum. The fact that we even have to debate this is mind-boggling. Boys are he and girls are she. End of story. Let’s stop coddling these kids and start teaching them the real facts of life.

Of course, the liberal education unions are up in arms about these bold moves. The Florida Education Association (FEA) has declared that these new standards are a “disservice to Florida’s students.” Oh please! The only disservice here is the education system’s obsession with political correctness and woke ideology. These new standards are a breath of fresh air, a welcome departure from the left’s attempt to rewrite history and push their radical agenda on our children.

We can’t forget to give credit where credit is due. Governor Ron DeSantis has been leading the charge in Florida, and we should applaud him for his efforts. From signing a bill that stops unions from taking money from public employees’ paychecks to taking on the College Board for their “woke” and “radical” indoctrination, DeSantis is showing us what true conservative leadership looks like. And when he says that Florida represents a “refuge of sanity and a citadel of normalcy,” he’s absolutely right. Florida is leading the way in standing up for our children and preserving the values that make America great.

So let’s celebrate these new standards, my fellow conservatives. It’s a small victory in the battle against the left’s stranglehold on our education system. But it’s a step in the right direction, a glimmer of hope that our children will learn the truth about our history and grow up in a world where biology and common sense prevail. Keep fighting the good fight, Florida! We’re counting on you.

Written by Staff Reports

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