
Former Prosecutor Validates Biden Bribery Claims – Here’s Why It Matters!

Former U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Pennsylvania, Scott Brady, recently testified before the House Judiciary Committee and dropped a bombshell revelation. He confirmed that the allegations of bribery against President Joe Biden and his family were credible enough to warrant a Grand Jury Investigation. However, this investigation never took place, raising questions about potential political bias within the Justice Department and FBI.

The allegations of bribery stem from a document called the FBI FD-1023, which was released to the public by Senator Chuck Grassley after being turned over to him by a whistleblower. According to the document, both Joe and Hunter Biden received $5 million in bribes from Mykola Zlochevsky, a Ukrainian oligarch and founder of Burisma. These allegations have been widely discussed and raise serious concerns about potential corruption within the Biden family.

During his testimony, Brady confirmed the credibility of the allegations by referencing a confidential human source who had identified an interaction between a Ukrainian national and Hunter Biden. This information directly linked Hunter Biden’s position on the board of Burisma to the bribery allegations. It is shocking that such serious allegations have not been thoroughly investigated, especially considering the implications for the President of the United States.

It is clear that there is a concerted effort within the Justice Department and FBI to shut down investigative activity relating to the Biden family. This raises significant concerns of political bias infecting decision-making at the highest levels. The American people deserve answers, and it is imperative that an independent investigation into these allegations is conducted. The evidence presented by Brady and the whistleblower cannot be ignored, and it is time for a thorough examination of the Biden family’s potential involvement in bribery and corruption.

The fact that these allegations have not been thoroughly investigated is deeply troubling. It seems that political favoritism is at play, protecting the Bidens from scrutiny. If these allegations were against a Republican president, the media and the Democrats would be demanding investigations and calling for accountability. The hypocrisy is palpable, and it further erodes trust in our institutions. The American people deserve an equal playing field when it comes to holding our elected officials accountable. It is time for the truth to come out.

Written by Staff Reports

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