
Fox News Goes Woke: Pushes LGBTQI Agenda and AI Monitors Staff Loyalty

In a shocking turn of events, Fox News has joined the woke crowd and is pushing the LGBTQI agenda on their employee communication portal. Yes, you heard that right, the very same Fox News that conservatives used to rely on for accurate news reporting has taken a turn towards the left and has started promoting everything from Pride merchandise to donating to LGBTQI organizations.

According to a Twitter thread posted by “What is a Woman” filmmaker and Daily Wire contributor Matt Walsh, Fox News is encouraging its employees to attend Pride events, explore their own identity, and expand their perspective by reading books by trans activists. The company even used an AI platform called Eskalera to monitor “employees’ commitment to the cult of DEI.”

Walsh’s thread reveals Fox News recommending its employees donate to The Trevor Project and The Ali Forney Center. The Trevor Project, which claims to help LGBTQ young people, hosts a sexually explicit chat room that matches children as young as 13 with adults. Meanwhile, The Ali Forney Center helps homeless young people get hormone replacement therapy, something that most people would not expect from the once-conservative news organization.

Fox even recommends books to its staff on the wonders of changing gender, including some with highly graphic content. One of them features a picture of a rainbow-colored strapon, amongst other things, which is hardly appropriate reading for any corporate employee, let alone someone working for Fox News.

Perhaps the most concerning part of the entire debacle is the usage of an AI platform to monitor Fox’s employees. Eskalera tracks data from various sources, including email and payroll systems. It then generates a “peer comfort index” and a “diversity index” based on how often employees practice “micro-affirmations.”

Conservatives used to trust Fox News for fair and balanced reporting, but ever since the network called Arizona prematurely for Biden, and Tucker Carlson was let go, they have been losing fans. With these revelations, it’s safe to assume that they will lose even more.

The sad truth is that Fox has turned into one of our new overlords, bowing to those pushing the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) agenda. They care more about following orders than their customers, shareholders, or even their employees. It’s a sad state of affairs when a once-trusted source of news is now pushing such an overtly left-wing agenda.

Written by Staff Reports

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