
Fox News Turns Back on Trump! Says Bannon Reveals Shocking Intentions

Fox News is determined to keep Donald Trump from making a comeback to the White House, according to conservative host Steve Bannon. Bannon pointed to an interview on Fox where Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin was presented as a potential alternative to Trump for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination. Bannon stated, “People should understand this: Fox is now all-in, 1,000 percent, on making sure it’s not Donald Trump who wins the nomination.”

Bannon criticized billionaires like Thomas Peterffy, who support Youngkin, for being “completely clueless” about the MAGA movement and the needs of the American people. Bannon argued that these billionaires have enabled the financial struggles of the middle and working class by backing moderate Republicans who oppose radical Democrats. He also claimed that the Republican establishment shares the same mindset as these billionaires.

Bannon pointed out that Fox News has been promoting Ron DeSantis for the past year and a half, but now that DeSantis is failing in the polls, they are looking for another candidate to replace Trump. Bannon believes that Fox is trying to craft a narrative that Trump is in too much legal trouble to run for president again. He accused Fox of wanting to kneecap Trump so he can’t defeat potential candidates like California Governor Gavin Newsom or Michelle Obama, whom the Murdochs may prefer over Trump.

Former President Trump also criticized Fox News, accusing them of using negative polls and contorting numbers to diminish his chances of winning the Republican nomination. Trump claimed that he is the only one who can beat “Crooked” Joe Biden and that about 75 percent of the Republican electorate is still up for grabs.

Overall, Bannon’s comments and Trump’s criticism suggest a growing rift between Fox News and the former president, as they appear to be distancing themselves from Trump and considering other candidates for the 2024 election.

Written by Staff Reports

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