
Fran Lebowitz Calls for Biden to Dissolve Supreme Court on Bill Maher Show

Fran Lebowitz, a self-styled expert in all things frivolous, stirred the pot recently on “Real Time with Bill Maher” by arguing that President Biden should take the dramatic step of dissolving the Supreme Court. In her latest exhibition of muddled reasoning, she began by misinterpreting the justices’ ruling on presidential immunity, claiming it leads America down the dark path of dictatorship—presumably just because a Republican once occupied the White House.

According to Lebowitz, the Supreme Court is a disgrace that’s unworthy of its title, fully possessed and ruined by the current conservative justices. She went so far as to liken it to a harem, making one wonder if her true comparison was more about her personal grievances rather than actual legal principles. As the audience erupted in applause, it became clear that her rants were less about constitutional integrity and more a form of modern-day political theater.

Lebowitz continued her colorful commentary by asserting that the ruling essentially granted Trump the power of a king—an assertion so far removed from constitutional realities that it might make even the most fervent leftist blush. This is classic hyperbole of the far left, equating judicial rulings with autocratic tyranny as if the ability to govern comes with no checks and balances.

With a confidence that could only stem from a complete disregard for the facts, she prescribed her “solution” for Biden: dissolve the Supreme Court entirely. One can almost picture Maher’s eyebrows shooting up in disbelief at this radical suggestion. Did she really think this would net her some liberal cred, or was it just a desperate cry for attention?

Maher’s lukewarm reaction to the idea—questioning if a president could truly just disband the highest court in the land—was a moment of clarity amidst Lebowitz’s pandemonium. Still, her assertion that the court is filled with less than legitimate judges who should be removed highlights just how far some on the left are willing to go in their disdain for a judiciary that doesn’t align with their political ideals. In the end, Lebowitz’s musings serve as a reminder that when the left encounters dissenting opinions, their first impulse isn’t dialogue but rather the dismantling of institutions.

Written by Staff Reports

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