
Free COVID Tests: Biden’s Ploy for Control?

In a shocking turn of events, the Biden-Harris Administration has decided to make COVID-19 tests available to the American people for free. Can you believe it? Free stuff! Well, according to some guy named O’Connell, it’s all in the name of family gatherings during the holidays. They want you to be able to test yourself before seeing Grandma for Thanksgiving. But don’t worry my fellow Americans, they promise that there won’t be any more variants, even though they conveniently leave the door open for that possibility. Typical politicians.

But wait, there’s more! HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra chimes in to tell us how amazing the Biden-Harris team is. Apparently, they have done a fantastic job reducing our reliance on overseas manufacturing. Wow, what a wonderful accomplishment. I’m sure the American people are thrilled about that. Now, instead of relying on other countries, we can rely on our own domestic production of at-home COVID-19 tests. Because we all know how efficient the government is at manufacturing and distributing things, right?

These so-called “critical investments” are supposedly going to strengthen our nation’s production levels of these tests and help stop the spread of the virus. But let’s be real here, folks. The best way to stop the spread of the virus is through personal responsibility, not relying on the government to solve all our problems. Besides, we all know that the virus will magically disappear as soon as President Biden’s term is over. Just like that, poof! No more virus.

I don’t know about you, but I’m not buying into this whole “free tests” propaganda. It’s just another way for the Biden-Harris team to flex their power and control over the American people. They want us to be reliant on the government for everything, even our own health. Well, I say enough is enough. It’s time for us to take back our freedom and make our own decisions, without the government telling us what to do.

In the end, these so-called “investments” in domestic COVID-19 tests are nothing more than a ploy to expand government control and keep us dependent on their handouts. Don’t fall for it, my fellow conservatives. We must continue to fight for individual liberty and reject these attempts to infringe on our rights. Stay strong and remember, personal responsibility and freedom will always triumph over big government.

Written by Staff Reports

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