
Free Market Foils Biden’s EV Dream as Battery Costs Skyrocket

“The unstoppable force of the free market is once again demonstrating its ability to outsmart even the most ambitious plans,” said George Upper, who used to be editor-in-chief of The Western Journal and is now a contributing editor writing about faith, politics, and culture.

As the program's top planner, President Biden wanted to get Americans to trade in their gas-guzzlers for sleek electric cars. But, just like a T-rex getting out of its cage, the free market is putting up big problems. According to the Wall Street Journal, makers are less motivated to increase production because the prices of minerals that are needed to make batteries for electric vehicles are going up.

The free market doesn't seem to fully support Biden's plan. According to the Journal, problems with mineral sources could make it harder to get batteries for electric cars, which would slow down the overall plan to switch from gas-powered cars.

Anthony Milewski, CEO of the battery metals investment firm Nickel 28, says the situation is "dangerous" to Biden's big plans, which makes people even more worried. He wants money to be put into mining projects right away and stresses how important it is to build mines quickly to meet the growing demand. The Biden administration's goal of having half of all new cars sold in the U.S. be electric by 2030 looks less and less likely, since only about 8% of new cars bought this year have been electric.

It was already hard for mining projects because of "local opposition, environmental concerns, red tape, and other obstacles." Now that mineral prices have dropped as low as a luau limbo bar, it makes sense that producers don't want to spend money to grow their mining operations.

Don't worry, though, fellow supporters of the free market; it always finds a way. As the price of minerals goes down, so will the price of batteries for electric cars. This will make these high-tech cars easier for most people to afford. Prices for electric cars, their batteries, and the materials used to make them will all go up because there are more people wanting to buy them. Because of this cyclical motivation, producers will always decide to grow their businesses.

The free market saves the day in the big picture. That person who has questions can get a lot of truth and common sense from George Upper, who used to be a special operator in the U.S. Army, is an honorary lifetime member of the NRA, and loves fine-point G-2 pens.

Written by Staff Reports

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