
Fuming GOP Senator Launches Epic Showdown on Biden’s Border Chaos!

Senator Katie Britt (R-AL) gave a fiery speech on Wednesday in which she criticized President Joe Biden's handling of the border crisis. Her speech put light on the problems that border patrol agents face. She told the media to stop ignoring what the refugees were doing and how they were being used.

Democrats say that Republicans haven't offered solutions to the border problem, but Senator Britt said, "We have put forward solution after solution!" She then talked about the horrible experiences of women who have been sexually attacked over and over again, stressing how disgusting and horrible the crimes are.

The senator also talked about the terrible deaths at the border and said that Biden's policies were to blame because they made the dangerous trip more appealing to refugees. She said that border guard found children who had drowned and the body of a pregnant woman with twins who had died.

Senator Britt was angry and compared the current situation to the policies of former President Trump. She said, "I am so sick of Joe Biden lecturing us about the soul of America." She made it clear that this kind of situation would not be allowed in a third-world country and should not be allowed in the US either.

Congressman Ronny Jackson (R-TX) agreed with Senator Britt that the Biden administration was not handling the border situation well. He went on Laura Ingraham's show and said that the border was "wide open," meaning that thousands of people cross it every day. Jackson talked about the national security problem and his worries about the effects on public health, especially the rising number of people coming into the country with tuberculosis.

Jackson also didn't like that the government chose to send money overseas without making it clear where the money is going and what the end goal is. He said that the situation at the border was a "Biden-engineered disaster" and asked for new leadership to fix it.

U.S. Customs and Border Enforcement reported a record-breaking 232,972 contacts with migrants at the southern border in August. Things are getting very bad. The numbers make it clear that we need strong leadership and policies that work right away to deal with the problem.

Senator Britt's passionate speech shows how badly the Biden administration has handled the border situation. The media's failure to report on the exploitation of refugees is troubling and shows a bias. The terrible things that happened to women and the terrible deaths at the border should wake the country up. Biden needs to stop talking and do something to keep our borders safe.

It's reasonable for Congressman Jackson to be worried about the open border and the health risks that might come with it. The administration's choice to focus on sending money overseas instead of dealing with the crisis at home is confusing and shows that they don't have clear objectives. It's clear that we need new leaders to find real answers and make our southern border safe again. The numbers that broke records in August can't be ignored, and things can't keep going the way they are.

Written by Staff Reports

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