
Gab CEO Slams FBI Over Flawed Claims Against Alleged Trump Assassin Tracking Error

The CEO of Gab, the social media platform that dares to stand up against the Twitter mob, has taken a firm stance against the FBI’s claims that Thomas Matthew Crooks, an alleged would-be assassin of Donald Trump, harbored “antisemitic” and “anti-immigration” views. Instead, Andrew Torba, the forward-thinking chief of Gab, asserts that Crooks was an ardent supporter of immigration and a critic of the former president. Apparently, the FBI’s idea of “evidence” is about as reliable as their track record with other investigations.

During a recent congressional hearing, Deputy FBI Director Paul Abbate fumbled through the details of the investigation, claiming that they found two social media accounts possibly linked to Crooks. While one account supposedly promoted “antisemitic” content, the other, affiliated with Gab, shared opinions that veered toward supporting immigration policies. It’s almost like the FBI figures if they throw enough spaghetti at the wall, something will stick—too bad they’re holding the wrong spatula.

Torba, undeterred by the FBI’s narrative, made it clear that Gab’s data paints a very different picture than what the FBI has described. According to his interpretation of the evidence, they appear to have misunderstood the content of the account they linked to Crooks. In fact, the Gab account in question was so pro-Biden and pro-immigration that it could probably run for office as a Democratic candidate itself. So how did we get to a point where the FBI is showcasing a so-called assassin as a symbol of right-wing extremism while he’s out there singing the praises of progressive policies?

The content sourced from Crooks’ purported Gab account embarrassed the FBI’s notion of him being a far-right extremist. Posts suggested that Biden’s immigration policies were on point and defended lockdown measures as effective. It’s as if Crooks donned a liberal cape in the digital realm, leaving the FBI absolutely befuddled as they try to shoehorn him into the narrative of the radical right. It’s no surprise that Elon Musk, who’s taken a keen interest in the bizarre world of the FBI’s misadventures, hinted at the possibility of perjury by the Deputy Director if the allegations don’t hold water. Talk about a plot twist that rivals any Hollywood thriller!

Further adding to the confusion, while Crooks was registered as a Republican, he made his political donations to the progressive fundraising group ActBlue right on Inauguration Day. This while sporting a social media presence that was about as substantial as a wet napkin. The only trace of him outside of Gab was a now-deleted Discord account—a platform favored more by gamers than political activists. So much for the FBI’s attempt at painting a coherent picture.

Curiously enough, a former classmate of Crooks labeled him a “Trump hater” who felt the need to engage others in spirited debates about their political leanings. It seems Crooks might have spent more time practicing his leftist talking points than actually adhering to any conservative values, proving that the FBI really does seem to enjoy crafting narratives to fit their agenda. So, as more details emerge, it appears Crooks might just become yet another example of how the bureau has misread political fervor for extremism, leaving everyone wondering just how deep the FBI’s miscalculations run.

Written by Staff Reports

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