
Gas Prices Dip Slightly Amid Ongoing Economic Struggles Under Biden

Gas prices took a small dip on Sunday, dropping to an average of $3.506 for a gallon of regular fuel, down from $3.511 the previous day. It might not sound like a huge victory, but hey, every penny counts when filling up that gas-guzzling pickup truck. This decrease is also slightly better than last week when the price was a painful $3.521. Unfortunately, while prices may have fallen a tad, they still remain significantly higher than the glorious pre-Biden era, when Americans weren’t watching their wallets scream every time they pulled up to the pump.

As the 2024 presidential election looms, gas prices remain a hot-button issue. With President Biden deciding to take a permanent vacation from the White House, it’s likely that Kamala Harris will take the reins for the Democrats. It’s her opportunity to dazzle the public with her plans for tackling those pesky gas prices. After all, nothing says fiscal responsibility like hiking energy costs and treating folks to some financial heartburn.

Despite recent dips, weekly fluctuations remain the name of the game at the gas pumps, and Sunday’s prices are still a smidge higher than last week’s $3.501. Compared to a month ago, we’re only two cents better off, as gas prices flounder around that magical $3.50 mark that seems to haunt Americans like a bad horror movie. Back in the good old days of the Trump administration, $3.50 was the kind of number that would cause a collective belly laugh among conservatives reminiscing about lower prices and domestic energy independence.

Taking a regional look, Hawaii stands as the poster child for high gas prices, boasting an average of $4.662 per gallon, which must make their residents feel like they’re fueling up with liquid gold. Meanwhile, Mississippi consistently enjoys the sweet relief of cheaper fuel, sitting at just $2.979. One can only imagine the joy of filling up for under three bucks while others are shelling out twice that amount and shaking their fists at the heavens. 


The figures in the densely packed D.C. area tell their own tale of turmoil. On Sunday, Washington, D.C., saw a gas price of $3.698, a pinprick higher from the previous day. A week back, the sticker shock registered at $3.706. Residents in Virginia didn’t dodge this bullet, with prices currently hovering at $3.393, a tiny sigh of relief from last week’s $3.421. Delaware and Maryland residents are also experiencing similar fluctuations, with slight price drops that suggest a constant struggle against inflation in the wake of ill-fated energy policies. If this upward trend continues, the only thing that will be “fueling” the economy is the laughter of politicians as they drive away in their electric cars, oblivious to the struggles of everyday Americans.

Written by Staff Reports

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