
Gates Exposed: Book Uncovers Billionaire’s Profit-Driven ‘Eco’ Empire


A new book exposes the billionaire class, revealing that Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates’ investments in patented fertilizers, fake meat, and U.S. farmland are more about fattening his wallet than saving the planet. The book, “Controligarchs,” hitting bookshelves soon, takes a deep dive into how wealthy elites like Gates manipulate power to dominate the lives of everyday Americans.

Author and investigative journalist Seamus Bruner reveals that Gates’ efforts to buy up American farmland and invest in synthetic dairy and lab-grown meats are driven by a desire for profit, rather than a genuine concern for climate change. Bruner’s research exposes Gates’ pattern of seeking patents for products that would grant him effective monopolies and rake in more cash for himself and other wealthy investors.

Peter Schweizer, a prominent author, underscores the book’s importance in uncovering the leftist elite’s playbook for the next five years. One chapter of the book zeros in on the monopolization of the nation’s food supply by tech giants like Gates, making a compelling case that they are waging war on farmers to tighten their grip on the food system.

Bruner also delves into Gates’ connection to the “Green Revolution,” revealing how the Rockefeller-funded initiative led to environmental problems and the consolidation of small family-owned farms into corporate-controlled mega-farms. Gates’ involvement in the Green Revolution aligns with his current efforts to push for patented miracle products that further enrich himself at the expense of independent farmers.

Moreover, Bruner brings attention to Gates’ quiet acquisition of large swathes of American farmland, signaling his interest in controlling the agricultural industry, including water rights and treatment. Gates’ strategic investments in synthetic meat companies also come into focus, shedding light on his contradictory stance on climate change and his personal consumption habits, which reveal a preference for traditional meat over lab-grown alternatives.

Despite reaching out to the Gates Foundation for comment, Fox News Digital did not receive a response, leaving readers to ponder the motivations behind Gates’ seemingly altruistic pursuits.

Written by Staff Reports

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