
General Exposes Whistleblower with Taxpayer Dollars to Protect Biden!

According to a report by Breitbart News, an army lieutenant general and a West Point professor were involved in a secret operation to identify a whistleblower. The two officers, who are also known as Jessica Dawson and Maria Gervais, targeted the individual who criticized the administration and Army leaders on social media.

The officers who made the allegations against the whistleblower were not able to provide any evidence to support their claims. They were only interested in launching an investigation to punish the individual. The goal of the investigators was to establish a criminal investigation of the whistleblower, which would be carried out by the CID.

Over the course of a year, Dawson and Gervais conducted an undercover investigation into the whistleblower, enlisting the help of other like-minded individuals and far-left activists. Their efforts eventually caught the public's attention, and a complaint was filed against them by a former aide of a two-star general, who was clearly trying to manipulate the system for his own purposes.

Underhanded tactics were used by the investigators to target the suspected whistleblower, who was identified as Samuel Shoemate, an officer in the army. He was found guilty of violating army regulations. The investigation also revealed that he had violated multiple military codes of conduct.

Following his retirement from the army, Shoemate talked about the need for a comprehensive review of the policies of the Department of Defense to prevent officers from abusing their positions.

He noted that despite the various checks and balances that the Department of Defense claims to have in place, senior officers still operate with impunity. This was apparent with the involvement of a lieutenant general in an unofficial investigation that was conducted using government resources.

It is very troubling to see that officers in authority using their position to silence dissent. This incident shows the need for greater accountability and transparency within the ranks. It also highlights the need for leaders to prioritize principles of fairness and justice instead of using their power to suppress opposing views.

Written by Staff Reports

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