
George Clooney Urges Biden Not to Run Again After Fundraiser Revelation

George Clooney has finally admitted what every informed American has known for years: Joe Biden is in severe mental decline. It took Clooney hosting a fundraiser and witnessing the President’s cognitive issues up close to make this groundbreaking discovery. One might wonder if the only screen the actor spends time in front of is a movie set, given that the rest of America has noticed Biden’s decline through countless media snippets and clips over the years.

Now, Clooney has decided to pen an op-ed in the New York Times, pleading for Biden to step aside from running again. He’s also calling for an open primary where Democratic candidates can hash it out in a “friendly” competition. That’s rich coming from Clooney, who has long been a reliable donor and booster for the Democratic Party, now suddenly grasping at straws in the face of obvious facts. The Hollywood elite is just now catching up to what Main Street Americans and political commentators have been pointing out since 2019.

Of course, Donald Trump wasted no time in pointing out the absurdity of Clooney’s newfound awareness. Trump trashed Clooney’s acting career and questioned his credentials to comment on politics. Trump has a point; Clooney’s input feels about as credible as a scene from one of his mediocre movies. The former president didn’t miss the opportunity to lay out a litany of Biden’s failures, from the awkward withdrawal from Afghanistan to the border fiasco and record-high inflation, all of which Clooney conveniently glosses over.

While Clooney touts his love and respect for Joe Biden, he fails to mention any of the instances where Biden has shown his real character, like the infamous “they’re gonna put y’all back in chains” comment. Apparently, Clooney missed that one or chose to ignore it. Feeling the heat, Clooney painted a desperate picture of Democratic leaders collectively holding their breath every time Biden steps up to a mic, worried about the next gaffe. Yet, they had four years to prepare a contingency plan and chose to ignore reality, hoping for the best. Now, with less than a year before the election, scrambling ensues.

The Democrats find themselves in a self-inflicted mess. They had ample opportunity to plan for a post-Biden scenario but chose their path. Calls for an open primary sound more like a desperate bid to salvage what’s left of a sinking ship rather than a genuine effort to foster democracy. The mess is a byproduct of turning a blind eye to glaring issues anyone with a bit of common sense could see from a mile away.

Sorry, George, but dealing with a political crisis doesn’t work like shooting a perfectly scripted scene in Hollywood. The Democrats’ embracing of Biden without any strategy for his decline was a gamble they lost. The realities of the situation cannot be resolved by idealistic, last-minute switches. If George Clooney thinks his sudden awakening will change that, he’s starring in a movie only he believes in.

Written by Staff Reports

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