
Georgia Poll Workers Fight Back, Mull Over Lawsuit Against Trump

In an excruciatingly long 57-page decision last week, the good ol’ U.S. District Court Judge Beryl Howell found Rudy Giuliani guilty of defaming those hardworking Georgia poll workers, Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss. However, their attorney, the mighty Mike Gottlieb, just hinted that former President Donald Trump might find himself garnished with a similar lawsuit. Oh boy, it’s like Christmas all over again!

Gottlieb, representing Freeman and Moss, mentioned this possibility during an interview with MSNBC host and former White House press secretary Jen Psaki. When asked about the potential lawsuit against Trump, Gottlieb slyly replied, “I can’t really speak to that in a televised interview.” How mysterious! But then he got serious (or as serious as he can be) and boldly declared, “If people continue to defame our clients, I don’t care who they are – but if people continue to go out on TV and repeat these lies that we have demonstrated to be false, then they can expect to hear from us.” Boom, mic drop!

Now, this wouldn’t be complete without mentioning that Trump, during a 2021 telephone call with Georgia officials, took aim at Freeman and called her a “professional vote scammer” and a “hustler.” Oh, the drama! Judge Howell, not one to mince words, scolded Giuliani in her ruling for failing to cough up a bunch of documents that were requested during the discovery process. She basically said, “Giuliani, get your act together and give them what they want!” But of course, Giuliani being Giuliani, he refused to comply. What a rebel!

With this ruling, Howell has paved the way for a civil trial that will determine how much Giuliani has to pay Freeman and Moss in damages. Money talks, baby! As for Freeman and Moss, they released a statement describing themselves as living a “nightmare” filled with “hatred and threats” because of Giuliani’s allegations. They insisted that they did nothing wrong and were simply “smeared for purely political reasons.” Oh, the horrors of politics!

So, hide your documents and watch your words, folks. The legal drama train has left the station, and there’s no telling who will be the next target. But one thing’s for sure, this case will have conservatives on the edge of their seats, ready to defend their fearless leader, Donald J. Trump. Let the courtroom theatrics begin!

Written by Staff Reports

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