
Georgia State Senator Targets Trump’s Prosecutor in Bold Impeachment Move!

Republican State Senator Colton Moore of Georgia is taking a stand against Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis for her actions against former President Donald Trump. Moore has written a letter to Governor Brian Kemp, proposing an immediate special session to investigate Willis’s behavior. He believes that Willis’s investigation of Trump should be defunded and, if necessary, impeachment proceedings should be initiated against the district attorney.

Moore is not mincing words when it comes to his feelings about the situation. He stated, “We must strip all funding and, if appropriate, impeach Fani Willis.” He believes that left-wing prosecutors like Willis are using their elected positions to politically target their opponents, and he refuses to stand idly by as America is under attack.

To support his call for a special session, Moore has enlisted the help of his fellow legislators. In a letter obtained exclusively by Breitbart News, Moore and other lawmakers certified that an emergency exists in the state of Georgia, necessitating a special session to review and respond to the actions of Fani Willis.

Cliff Maloney, a campaign veteran managing America First Georgia campaigns, praised Moore’s efforts. He believes that Moore is the only leader in Georgia working to prevent Trump’s prosecution. Maloney called Moore a patriot and urged all liberty-loving Americans to support him in this battle.

The charges against Trump are serious, with a potential maximum sentence of 76.5 years in state prison if convicted of each charge consecutively. Trump has criticized the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office for rushing through the 98-page indictment, claiming that the witnesses relied upon had personal and political interests. It seems that Moore is determined to challenge the process and ensure a fair investigation for Trump.

Written by Staff Reports

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