
Giuliani Hit with $148M Smackdown for Election Lies

The recent court decision awarded an eye-popping $148 million in damages to two former Georgia election workers who took legal action against Rudy Giuliani for defamation. Their lawsuit stemmed from falsehoods Giuliani spread about them in 2020, sparking racist threats and harassment that upended their lives.

Wandrea “Shaye” Moss and her mother, Ruby Freeman, emotionally recounted their ordeal in court. They detailed how Giuliani and other Republicans propagated baseless conspiracy theories targeting them, all in an attempt to overturn the 2020 election results in favor of Donald Trump, despite his loss.

While Giuliani had previously been found liable and admitted to falsely accusing the women of ballot fraud, he shamelessly persisted in repeating these groundless allegations. His defense tried to shift blame onto a right-wing website that published surveillance footage of the women counting ballots.

The substantial judgment adds to Giuliani’s growing legal and financial woes, with his lawyer hinting that this defamation case might financially ruin the former mayor. This comes as Giuliani faces a barrage of lawsuits and investigations tied to his representation of Trump.

His ongoing legal battles encompass criminal charges in the Georgia case, accusing him and others of undermining the 2020 election results. Recordings played in court featured Giuliani falsely accusing the election workers, prompting their lawyers to seek a minimum of $24 million for each woman in defamation damages, alongside compensation for emotional distress and punitive damages.

During their testimony, Moss and Freeman described the intense fear triggered by the hateful messages and threats they received. Moss revealed how she drastically changed her appearance, rarely ventures outside, and battles panic attacks. Freeman shared terrifying experiences of strangers banging on her door and fleeing her home for safety.

Despite the women's distress, Giuliani’s defense urged jurors to view him as a “great man,” attempting to downplay his actions. Conversely, the women’s attorney highlighted Giuliani’s unapologetic repetition of the false conspiracy theory, emphasizing his persistent disregard. The judge had already mandated significant attorney fees from Giuliani and his businesses, criticizing the former mayor for barely complying with legal obligations.

In essence, Giuliani’s unwavering promotion of unfounded claims has led to severe consequences, with a jury now holding him accountable for defamation. As the legal saga unfolds, the looming question revolves around how Giuliani will navigate the mounting fallout from his actions.

Written by Staff Reports

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