
GOP Candidate’s Cringe-Worthy Gaffe with Hugh Hewitt

Francis Suarez, the current mayor of Miami and a newly announced candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, made an embarrassing gaffe during a recent interview with conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt. When Hewitt asked whether Suarez would be discussing the plight of the Uyghurs, a Muslim minority group in China that has been subjected to persecution by the Communist government, Suarez responded with confusion: “The what?” When Hewitt explained who the Uyghurs were, Suarez quipped that he thought Hewitt was talking about “a Weeble,” a children’s toy that wobbles but doesn’t fall down.

This remark reveals not just Suarez’s ignorance but his flippant attitude toward a serious issue. With Uyghurs being forcibly detained in “reeducation” camps and reports of human rights abuses coming out of China, it’s shocking that a presidential candidate doesn’t even know about the crisis. And while it’s not expected that candidates will be knowledgeable about every issue, a basic understanding of global affairs is essential for anyone hoping to be commander in chief.

But this is just the latest in a string of missteps for Suarez. He recently criticized Republican governor Ron DeSantis, who has become a leading figure in the party, for not having enough “personality.” This is a strange criticism to level against someone who has consistently won elections and has a strong record of conservative accomplishments. And Suarez’s own record on conservative issues is spotty at best: he is opposed to expanding parental rights in education, which protects children from sexualization and transgender indoctrination in schools, a position that is hardly in line with traditional Republican values.

It’s unclear why Suarez even thinks he has a chance of winning the nomination, let alone the presidency. He hasn’t articulated a vision or policy platform that distinguishes him from the many other candidates in the race, and his lack of familiarity with key issues makes him seem unfit for the job. But perhaps most troubling of all is his dismissive attitude toward such grave matters as the persecution of the Uyghurs. If he doesn’t take human rights seriously, how can we trust him to lead our country? Republican voters deserve better than this.

Source: RedState

Written by Staff Reports

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