
GOP Dodges Shutdown Bullet; Dem Obstruction Fails to Cripple US!

The House narrowly avoided a government shutdown this week, despite the left’s constant obstruction. The House Speaker, Republican Mike Johnson, managed to push through a stopgap spending measure with the help of some sensible Democrats. They recognized the necessity of passing the measure, even though it lacked the crucial conservative policy riders and spending cuts that are desperately needed to rein in the government’s out-of-control spending.

But the fight is far from over. The Senate must also pass the CR and send it to President Joe Biden’s desk before the end of the day on Friday. The upper chamber is expected to take up the stopgap spending bill, but with the Democrats playing games and obstructing every step of the way, nothing is guaranteed.

The passage of the continuing resolution has laid bare the ongoing power struggle within the GOP. Ever since Kevin McCarthy took over as House Speaker, there’s been infighting and backstabbing. The ousting of McCarthy by Rep. Matt Gaetz over a shady backroom deal with the Democrats only exacerbated the chaos.

Now, Mike Johnson finds himself in a precarious position. While he garnered Democratic support for the CR, he faces a potential backlash from hard-line conservatives who are rightfully concerned about government spending run amok. Johnson has indicated that he won’t bring forward another short-term CR, which could lead to a showdown with the restive House Republican Conference. It’s clear that he’s going to face a tough battle over spending and policy changes against the Democrats, who are hellbent on bankrupting the country.

The heart of the issue lies in whether Johnson will honor the deal that McCarthy made with Biden back in May. The sneaky agreement included raising the debt ceiling and committing to modest spending cuts, but now that McCarthy is out of the picture, everyone’s eyes are on Johnson and the Republican conference to see if they will hold the line or cower to the Democrats’ excessive spending demands.

And let’s not forget the pressure from the Democrats to extract concessions from Republicans on policies like immigration. It’s clear that the left is playing hardball, and Johnson will need to stand firm against their relentless attacks.

Unfortunately, the prospect of continued infighting and gridlock in Congress looms large. If Johnson doesn’t bring forward another short-term CR, he’ll have to navigate the treacherous waters of passing full-year spending bills, all while trying to stick to the original agreement with Biden and extract more spending cuts. The GOP is fighting an uphill battle to rein in the government’s reckless spending and prevent further harm to the economy.

In the end, the Republicans are left with a tough decision. They can either cave to the Dems’ excessive demands and betray their conservative principles, or they can stand firm and risk a partial government shutdown. The stakes are high, and the future of the country hangs in the balance. Let’s hope that Johnson and the rest of the GOP have the courage and conviction to stand up to the left’s radical agenda and protect the American people from the disastrous consequences of out-of-control government spending.

Written by Staff Reports

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