
GOP Launches Biden Impeachment Engine, Cites Shady Family Deals

In a shocking turn of events, House Republicans are gearing up to start full-blown impeachment proceedings against President Joe Biden. Rep. Tom Emmer, a Republican from Minnesota, declared in a hush-hush gathering with his GOP pals that they’re on the brink of initiating the impeachment process. Emmer is pointing the finger directly at the White House, accusing the Biden administration of playing hard to get with crucial documents and interviews necessary for the impeachment inquiry. It’s like pulling teeth to get a straight answer from these folks!

The top dog overseeing the House schedule, Rep. Mike Johnson from Louisiana, ain’t pulling no punches either. He’s been yapping about how Biden’s days in the White House are numbered, and he ain’t talking about retirement! Johnson laid it out plain and simple during a chat with Sean Hannity on Fox News, insisting that Biden went on a wild spree of bending the rules to help his son and some pals cash in big time with foreign companies. And apparently, Johnson’s got the dirt to back it up, thanks to some of his buddies in Congress who have been busy digging up all kinds of shady business.

Meanwhile, the White House is doing everything in its power to keep the heat off Biden, wagging their fingers at reporters for asking pesky questions about the president’s family business affairs and calling the GOP’s accusations “lies.” And when pressed by reporters about his involvement in his son’s sketchy dealings, Biden has been snappy, to say the least. Talk about biting someone’s head off!

What’s more, these Republican rascals have already uncovered evidence suggesting that Biden might’ve pocketed a sweet $40,000 from his kinfolk, all thanks to his son’s globetrotting business escapades. And as if that wasn’t juicy enough, Hunter Biden – the president’s troublemaking son – is under investigation for allegedly dodging taxes and playing fast and loose with firearms. It’s a real mess, folks!

Written by Staff Reports

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