
GOP Rep Rallies to Impeach Sec of State Over Trump Ballot Ban

In a stunning blow to the left’s ongoing efforts to erase former President Trump from the political arena, the Colorado state Supreme Court and Maine’s Secretary of State, Shenna Bellows, have made moves to keep the 45th President off primary ballots. Their justification? A supposedly constitutional ban against anyone who “engaged in insurrection.” 

Well, Maine Representative John Andrews is not taking this sitting down. He’s ready to rumble, folks! He’s gearing up to impeach Bellows over her decision to exclude the former president from the Maine Republican Primary ballot. It’s about time someone steps up to hold these power-hungry politicians accountable for their blatant partisan antics.

Andrews didn’t mince words when he declared, “Donald J. Trump has met all qualifications for the March 2024 Republican Presidential Primary. He should be allowed on the ballot. This is raw partisanship and has no place in the offices of our state’s Constitutional Officers.” 

Andrews took to social media to call out Bellows’ move as “hyper-partisanship on full display,” and he’s not wrong. Bellows, appointee of the legislative Democrats, is clearly trying to flex her political muscle by banning President Trump from the 2024 ballot. 

Andrews is shining a spotlight on the shady process that put Bellows in her position. Shenna Bellows isn’t serving the people – she’s serving the whims of her Democrat Party overlords. We deserve better than a Secretary of State who puts her party’s interests above the Constitution and the rule of law.

But predictably, Bellows is pushing back against impeachment calls, calling them “absurd and unlawful.” Well, maybe if she focused more on upholding the rights of all American citizens instead of playing political games, she wouldn’t find herself in this hot water. It’s time to clean house and make sure those in power remember who they serve – and it’s definitely not just the Democrat Party insiders.

Now, let’s not forget that in Colorado, Trump is already back on the ballot as his campaign fights back against the ruling. And he’s not backing down from the Maine ruling either. The man is a fighter, and he won’t let these partisan maneuvers silence his voice. 


Written by Staff Reports

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