
GOP Senators Blast Biden Admin for Border Catastrophe Letting ISIS Terrorists Slip In

The clowns in the White House are at it again, folks. Biden’s administration has managed to let not just one, but eight ISIS-linked terrorists waltz right into the U.S. through our southern border. Even more shocking, one of these militants was released by Homeland Security, only to be eventually nabbed in Philadelphia and New York City. Kudos to Biden for keeping America secure, right?

Over 21 GOP senators have had enough and penned a letter to Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas. They’re demanding answers, accusing the Biden administration of having Swiss cheese-like border policies that have turned America’s security into a joke. These GOP representatives, including Mark Green, Dan Bishop, and Clay Higgins, believe the president’s signature move is to create loopholes wide enough for ISIS to slip through. They argue that Biden’s border catastrophe isn’t just inviting danger into American neighborhoods, it’s borderline treasonous.

The GOP lawmakers want all the gritty details on how these terrorists managed their grand entrance and the rollout of DHS’s red-carpet treatment. They’re also asking for every imaginable internal communication about these cases. Maybe once and for all, they’ll get to the bottom of this terrifying comedy of errors.

The exact journey of each of these eight terrorists into the U.S. is murkier than the Mississippi in spring. Reports suggest that two crossed the Southwest Border in early 2023 and one even used the CBP One App as if checking into a spa. What’s crystal clear is that this pattern of security slip-ups under Biden has become downright disturbing. Even when the Committee previously requested info about other terrorist watchlist slip-ups, they were met with radio silence. If you’re starting to think this administration likes to play hide-and-seek with national security, you wouldn’t be alone.

One jaw-dropping example is that of Mohammad Kharwin, a known member of Afghan terrorist organization Hezb-e-Islami. Kharwin was released into the Alternatives to Detention (ATD) program, allowing him to wander the U.S. freely, apply for work, and fly around without a care in the world. Eventually, the FBI tracked him down in San Antonio, Texas nearly a year later. The Committee has been banging on this administration’s door, highlighting the dangers of their catch, process, and release policy, but it seems the Biden team is too busy playing ostrich with national threats. The GOP has warned of security vulnerabilities and a flood of illegal aliens, but Biden and his squad have simply buried their heads in the sand, ignoring obvious flashing red warnings.

Written by Staff Reports

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