
GOP Senators Duck as Trump Tackles Tough Immigration Truths!

Those pesky Republicans on Capitol Hill are at it again – trying to distance themselves from the former President’s bold, truthful statements on immigration. Donald Trump, the man who tells it like it is, dared to speak out about the harmful effects of uncontrolled immigration, and now the spineless Senate Republicans are running for the hills.

Trump has never been one to mince words when it comes to immigration, and his recent rally in New Hampshire was no different. But instead of acknowledging the importance of protecting our borders, these weak-kneed Republicans are quick to throw him under the bus.

The White House, predictably, jumped on the bandwagon, accusing Trump of echoing the rhetoric of fascists and violent white supremacists. 

But it’s not just the Democrats taking shots at Trump. Even some Senate Republicans are joining in on the chorus of disapproval. Sen. Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia, a member of GOP leadership, had the nerve to say she doesn’t agree with Trump’s comments. And Sen. Mike Rounds of South Dakota called Trump’s statement “appalling.” 

And get this – these so-called Republicans are using Trump’s words as an excuse to push their own agendas. Sen. Todd Young of Indiana sarcastically remarked that he’ll be answering questions about Trump for another year.

Even the usually reasonable Sen. Susan Collins of Maine condemned Trump’s remarks while still emphasizing the need for border security.

Some Republicans, like Sen. Pete Ricketts of Nebraska, are refusing to be pushed into denouncing Trump. Ricketts knows that Trump is just speaking the truth about the crisis at our borders, and he’s not afraid to say it.

It’s clear that Trump is onto something, and all these wishy-washy Republicans in Congress can’t handle it. But true conservatives won’t forget who stood by Trump when he spoke out against the dangers of uncontrolled immigration.


Written by Staff Reports

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