
GOP Shutdown Strategy: Trump Says Biden Will Take the Fall

Former President Donald Trump has issued a rallying cry to congressional Republicans, urging them to take a hardline stance and threaten a government shutdown unless their demands are met in the spending bill. Trump contends that if the government does indeed shut down, President Biden will bear the brunt of the blame. In a typically impassioned tweet posted on his Truth Social platform, Trump declared, "The Republicans suffered a major setback on the Debt Ceiling, gaining nothing, and now they fear being held accountable for a Budget Shutdown. Incorrect! Whoever holds the presidency will face blame, and in this case, it's Crooked (as Hell!) Joe Biden. Our nation is under systematic assault by the Radical Left Marxists, Fascists, and Thugs – THE DEMOCRATS."

While some critics have challenged Trump's assertion, arguing that Republicans could indeed be held responsible, recent polling by the Republican Main Street Partnership indicates that 38% of voters believe Republicans would be at fault for a potential partial shutdown, compared to 19% who would blame Democrats.

With the deadline for government funding quickly approaching, the specter of a partial shutdown looms large unless Congress can pass a stop-gap spending bill. Yet, this endeavor has encountered obstacles in the House, where a faction of staunch conservatives is pushing for spending reductions and heightened border security, among other provisions.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has faced difficulties in reaching a consensus with these conservative members of his GOP caucus, as they persist in voting down spending proposals. Trump, in his customary direct manner, has called on Republicans to stand resolute and not back down. In a subsequent Truth Social post, he proclaimed, "UNLESS YOU GET EVERYTHING, SHUT IT DOWN! Close the Border, halt the Weaponization of 'Justice,' and Put an End to Election Interference — WE MUST ENSURE FAIR ELECTIONS. It's high time for Republicans to learn the art of the fight!"

Capitalizing on the impending government shutdown, Trump suggested that Republicans should seize the opportunity to defund elements of the Department of Justice that have initiated legal actions against him. He implored Republicans to cease funding "Crooked Joe Biden's weaponized Government" and characterized it as the "last opportunity" to defund "politically motivated prosecutions against me and other Patriots." Notably, two legal cases involving Trump, including the mishandling of classified government documents and alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 election, are being prosecuted by the Justice Department.

Trump called upon Republicans to exercise their control over the nation's finances, emphasizing the need to safeguard the country. He posted on social media, "They faltered on the debt limit, but they must not falter now. Employ the power of the purse and defend our Nation!"

As expected, the Biden-Harris campaign swiftly responded, accusing House Republicans of allowing Trump to function as their chief political strategist, even at the expense of American families. Kevin Munoz, a campaign spokesman, denounced Trump's tactics, remarking, "All because the former president believes this aids him politically."

As the clock continues to tick, it remains uncertain how Republicans will navigate the impending government shutdown and whether they will heed Trump's call to take a firm stance. The battle lines are drawn, and the tension between the two parties continues to escalate as the fate of the spending bill hangs in the balance.




Written by Staff Reports

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