
Gov Fights Court Order: Free Speech Triumph Over Big Tech Censorship?

In a strike to Big Tech's authoritarian monopoly on free speech, the U.S. government has issued an urgent request to stop a court order that impedes their collusive efforts to censor constitutionally protected speech. A glimmer of hope at last for those of us who value the First Amendment!

In its filing, the government argues that the injunction lacks clarity and that the attorney generals have failed to demonstrate any damage caused by the alleged censorship. It's about time someone exposed the hypocrisy of these so-called democracy defenders. The repetitive dismissal of these valid concerns by Judge Terry Doughty demonstrates his bias against conservatives.

In their request for a stay, the government emphasized the irreparable damage that could result from this egregious censorship. They emphasized that the vague provisions of the injunction could prevent the government from engaging in "lawful and responsible conduct," such as speaking on matters of public concern and collaborating with social media companies to safeguard the American people. It is essential that the government has the freedom to speak out against detrimental ideologies and defend our democratic processes. Thank you, administration of Biden, for fighting for what truly matters!

It is abundantly evident from the government's request for a stay that they value their own conception of "democracy" over the constitutionally protected rights of American citizens. When the government prioritizes its own interests over the voice of the people, it is a tragic day.

This legal battle, initiated by the courageous former Republican attorney general of Missouri, Eric Schmitt, and the attorney general of Louisiana, Jeff Landry, intends to expose White House officials' collusion with Big Tech to suppress certain speakers and perspectives. By employing phrases such as "dis-information" and "mis-information," these tech titans are suppressing conservative voices and limiting our access to information. At last, someone is defending the truth!

The injunction represents a significant victory for the state attorneys general who have fought against the administration of Vice President Joe Biden's flagrant violation of the First Amendment. Conservatives who have long believed that their speech is being stifled can now exhale an exhalation of relief. This case may mark the end of more than a decade of detrimental collaboration between federal authorities and Big Tech to control public discourse, and we are witnesses to history in the making.

There is confidence that Judge Doughty will see through the bias and rule in favor of the Republicans, although the final decision is still pending. This would be a crucial step towards restoring genuine freedom of speech in the United States. We cannot continue to allow these influential tech industry executives to dictate what can and cannot be said. It is time for the American people's voices to be heard loud and clear!

Written by Staff Reports

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