
Gov. Sununu Drums Up Dem Votes for Haley in Shock SC Power Move!

In a strategic move, Republican Governor Chris Sununu of New Hampshire has thrown his support behind former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley and is actively encouraging Democrats to vote for her in the South Carolina primary. Sununu appeared on the Pulse of New Hampshire radio show and highlighted the open primary status of South Carolina as an “opportunity” for Haley to garner support from Democrats. This means that Democrats can simply walk into the Republican primary and cast their vote.

Governor Sununu’s endorsement and call for cross-party voting align with Haley’s campaign strategy, as outlined in a memo before her loss in New Hampshire. The memo emphasized Haley’s reliance on non-conservative voters in open primary states, such as the upcoming Super Tuesday states, to secure her nomination. According to the memo, 11 out of 16 Super Tuesday states have open or semi-open primaries, providing “significant fertile ground” for Haley to attract non-conservative voters.

It seems that Haley is prepared to move forward regardless of the outcome in New Hampshire, counting on the support of moderates and independents rather than the conservative base. This is reflected in the CNN exit poll, which revealed that 70 percent of Haley’s New Hampshire voters were not registered Republicans prior to Election Day.

It’s a smart move by Governor Sununu to rally Democrats behind a Republican candidate. It shows that Haley is willing to reach across party lines and build a broad coalition of support. This strategy also highlights the potential vulnerabilities within the Republican base, as Haley seeks to attract voters who may not align with traditional conservative values. It will be interesting to see if this approach pays off for Haley in the upcoming South Carolina primary and beyond.

Written by Staff Reports

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