
Government Red Tape Reaches All-Time High Under Biden Administration

In America today, the government has swelled to an enormous size, creating a bureaucratic tangle that seems to be growing uncontrollably. A recent report from Advancing American Freedom, a group founded by former Vice President Mike Pence, reveals just how massive our federal regulations have become.

Since 1976, the Federal Register, which publishes federal rules and regulations, has grown exponentially. In just 47 years, it has expanded by 58%, reaching a staggering 90,402 pages by the end of 2023. The increase in bureaucratic red tape is overwhelming and indicative of an administrative state that has overstepped its bounds.

During the Obama administration, the Federal Register saw significant growth, with a 30% increase in the number of pages since 2009. Similarly, the Code of Federal Regulations has expanded from about 163,000 pages in 2009 to over 188,000 pages in 2021. This growth has been accompanied by a doubling of regulatory agency budgets since 1980.

The economic impact of this regulatory expansion is substantial. Economically Significant Rules (ESRs) have proliferated over the years, with the Obama administration issuing an average of 62 ESRs per year, totaling 497 over two terms. In comparison, the Reagan administration released 159 ESRs in eight years.

The Trump administration continued the trend of issuing ESRs, with 118 published between 2017 and 2019. However, the Biden administration has taken it to a new level, unveiling 196 ESRs in the first three years alone. President Biden has accelerated the release of major regulations, with 34 ESRs issued in April 2024 alone.

These regulatory actions come at a steep cost to the American taxpayer. The Biden administration has released nearly 900 final rules since taking office, with an expected cost of $1.47 trillion. The wave of regulatory activity is projected to reach $1 trillion in costs for rules released in the early months of 2024.

Moreover, the federal government’s payroll has ballooned, with over 400 agencies and departments employing about 2.2 million federal workers in 2021. This growth has led to an annual payroll and benefits expenditure of $390 billion for civilian employees.

The root of this bureaucratic expansion can be traced back to the Chevron decision of 1984, which granted federal agencies broad authority to interpret ambiguous statutory language. This decision has enabled the regulatory state to exceed its Constitutional limits and impose burdensome regulations on the American people.

Former Vice President Pence emphasized the need to curb government intervention and reduce regulations that stifle economic growth and individual freedom. He advocated for a return to limited government, energy independence, and pro-growth policies that prioritize the well-being of Americans.

It is clear that the administrative state has spiraled out of control and is in desperate need of reform. Americans are increasingly recognizing the burdens imposed by excessive government regulations and are calling for a return to a more streamlined and efficient governance system.

Written by Staff Reports

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