
Granholm Caught Pretending Biden’s Anti-Oil Pledge Is News

U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm is back at it again, making excuses for President Joe Biden’s anti-American energy policies. Granholm, known for laughing about Americans suffering from sky-high gas prices, joined CNBC to defend the Biden administration’s decision to halt new liquefied natural gas exports. It’s no secret that this move is just a transparent attempt to pander to young Democrats before the upcoming presidential election.

When asked if the pause on natural gas exports is “all about Biden’s campaign vow to put fossil fuels out of business,” Granholm stumbled over her words and weakly replied, “I…did not hear him say that.” Seriously, Jennifer? It’s hard to believe she missed it because ending fossil fuels has been the main goal of Biden’s energy policies forced through executive fiat. Even the host couldn’t let that one slide and pointed out that anyone can find Biden’s promises on YouTube.

Let’s jog Granholm’s memory a bit. During his campaign for president, Biden made it crystal clear where he stands on fossil fuels. “Kiddo…I want you to look in my eyes,” Biden declared during a speech. “I guarantee you, I guarantee, we’re going to end fossil fuels.” It’s not like this is some deep, dark secret – it’s out in the open for everyone to see. Maybe Granholm should spend less time making excuses and more time listening to her boss.

The Biden administration’s energy policies are nothing short of a disaster for American energy independence and the economy. Granholm can try to spin it all she wants, but the truth is right there in plain sight. The Democrats are more interested in appeasing their base than standing up for hardworking Americans and the energy sector. It’s time for Granholm and the rest of the administration to take a good, hard look at the damage they’re causing and start putting America first.

Written by Staff Reports

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