
Greene Exposes America’s Slide into Communism!

In a fiery tweet, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) fearlessly proclaimed that America has entered a “post-Constitution” era, equating the current situation to the dreaded ideology of communism. And you know what? She’s not wrong!

Greene kicked off her statement by addressing the recent indictment of our beloved former President Donald Trump in the liberal stronghold of Washington, DC. She rightly argued that Trump has zero chance of receiving a fair trial in that swampy den of bias and corruption. But it doesn’t stop there, folks! Greene went on to call out the double standards faced by Republicans, pointing to the likes of Hillary Clinton and Stacey Abrams, who both claimed their elections were stolen without facing any consequences. It’s a travesty, I tell you!

But wait, there’s more! Greene then unleashed a barrage of evidence to support her claim that America is descending into the depths of real communism. She highlighted the violent riots orchestrated by BLM and Antifa during the summer of 2020, where even Senator Kamala Harris was complicit in bailing out those criminal rioters. Can you believe it? It’s like we’re living in a dystopian nightmare!

And if that wasn’t enough, Greene also pointed to border invasions, drug trafficking, foreign wars, political indictments, and the absurdity of biological men competing in women’s sports as further proof that we’re careening towards communism. It’s enough to make any red-blooded American’s blood boil!

But amidst the fury and frustration, let us not forget that Greene’s passionate stance resonates with millions of Americans who’ve had enough of this post-Constitution madness. Our beloved country is teetering on the edge of an ideological precipice, and we need fierce warriors like Greene to fight for our values and preserve the true spirit of America.

In a time of great division, Greene’s words give voice to those who feel silenced and marginalized by the liberal elites. It’s refreshing to see a politician boldly speaking her mind and challenging the status quo. So, let the detractors scoff and the establishment tremble, because Marjorie Taylor Greene is here to remind us that the fight for our Constitution is far from over. It’s time to reclaim our nation from the clutches of socialism and restore the principles that have made America the greatest country in the world! God bless Marjorie Taylor Greene, and God bless the United States of America!

Written by Staff Reports

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