
Greene Tells Cameron to Kiss It: Defends US Politics from Brit Meddling!

U.S. Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) absolutely roasted former British Prime Minister David Cameron after he had the nerve to meddle in American politics. In a bold and sassy response, Greene basically told Cameron to take his criticism and shove it. She didn’t mince words, declaring, “kiss my *ss” to shut down his unwanted opinion.

Cameron had the audacity to lecture U.S. lawmakers about funding for Ukraine and even had the nerve to compare those against the funding to appeasers of Hitler. He basically tried to shame Greene by insinuating that her stance aligned with historical figures who chose the wrong side in World War II. How dare he!

Greene didn’t hold back in her response, calling out Cameron for his rude name-calling and telling him to focus on his own country instead of butting into American affairs. She made it crystal clear that she doesn’t appreciate his type of language, and she wasn’t afraid to shut him down with some fiery words.

Meanwhile, former Prime Minister David Cameron decided to play the guilt trip card, talking about his grandfather’s heroics in World War II and trying to guilt lawmakers into supporting Ukraine funding by comparing the situation to the rise of Hitler. It’s like he’s stuck in a time warp, trying to make World War II analogies to push his agenda.

Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick spilled the tea about a spending bill that focuses on Israel and Ukraine, and also includes provisions for U.S. border security. He hinted at bipartisan collaboration but conveniently kept the details under wraps. Typical political maneuvering.

The nerve of these foreign politicians trying to tell American lawmakers what to do! It’s like they forget who the boss is around here. Greene is not one to back down, and she made it clear that she won’t be bullied into supporting something just because a former British Prime Minister decided to stick his nose into American politics. Talk about a small victory for the American spirit!

Written by Staff Reports

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