
Greene’s Grilling: COVID Experts Choke on Lab Leak Theory!

In a recent Capitol Hill hearing on the origins of COVID-19, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene bravely questioned two scientists, Dr. Kristian Andersen and Dr. Robert Garry, about the true source of the virus. Their answers, or lack thereof, were truly astonishing.

Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, both scientists stubbornly clung to the disproven theory that COVID-19 originated naturally and not from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. It is truly shocking to see supposed experts still peddling this nonsense without any shame or accountability. It’s like they’re living in an alternate reality!

The natural origin theory posits that a random bat transferred the virus to humans through unsafe food practices at a Chinese wet market. While this may sound plausible to the untrained ear, a deeper examination reveals the flaws in their argument. Unlike previous cases, where the source of the virus was quickly identified through infected animals, COVID-19 has no such smoking gun. So, if the virus came from a bat, shouldn’t we have found other animals carrying it by now? It’s a simple question that the scientists can’t seem to answer.

MIT Technology Review even highlighted this issue back in 2021, and yet, here we are, still waiting for a straight answer. It’s almost as if the scientific community is intentionally ignoring the inconvenient truth because it doesn’t fit their narrative. Go figure!

But let’s not stop there. The natural origin theory has more holes than Swiss cheese. First of all, bats are not even common in Wuhan, so how did the virus allegedly originate from there? It’s like saying Santa Claus lives in the Bahamas—it just doesn’t make sense. And if Dr. Garry thinks he can cite “all the science and the data” to support his claim, he’s got some explaining to do. Hint: there is no supporting evidence besides wild speculation.

In fact, a 2021 Lancet letter confirmed that there is virtually no scientific evidence for the natural origin theory. On the other hand, there is plenty of evidence to suggest that the virus came from a lab. It’s just common sense, really. Workers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a facility known for its risky experiments, were among the first to get infected. Coincidence? I think not.

So, why are these scientists still clinging to a debunked theory and refusing to admit the truth? It could be because they have a vested interest in protecting China. Perhaps they fear losing their precious access to the country’s lucrative research partnerships. But that’s no excuse for spreading lies and misleading the public.

It’s time for the scientific community to be honest about COVID-19’s origins. The lab leak theory is the most logical explanation, backed by evidence and common sense. We need to hold these scientists accountable for their misleading statements and demand the truth. Our health and safety depend on it.

Written by Staff Reports

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