
Greta’s Apocalyptic Climate Prediction Fails – World Still Standing!

The world has yet again survived another climate fear-monger’s prediction. Greta Thunberg, the Swedish teenage activist who has made her career out of promoting the hoax of climate change, made an apocalyptic prediction on June 21, 2018, claiming that humanity would be wiped out unless fossil fuels were abandoned in the next five years. However, yet again, the world has lived to see another day and has not come to an end. Many Twitter users have roasted Thunberg for her failed prediction, likening her to other climate doomers like Al Gore, who have made similar claims that have never come to fruition.

One user wrote that humanity had survived in large part due to fossil fuels usage, not in spite of it. Thunberg had to delete her tweet as she likely realized that her prediction was baseless and would come to nothing. However, the internet never forgets, and people continue to remind her of her failed prediction. Thunberg has become just like other elites who promote fear to push their ideologies to the masses. People like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have also made dire predictions that the world only has 12 years left to combat climate change, using the prediction to push her Green New Deal.

It’s time for people to see through the façade of climate change and recognize that many so-called activists have their own political agendas to push. It is through the use of fossil fuels that humanity has been able to achieve progress and innovation, and it is not through abandoning them that we will tackle climate issues. Perhaps Thunberg will think twice before trying to scare people with her baseless predictions again.

Source: Daily Fetched

Written by Staff Reports

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