
Grisham Plays Gun Control Card in Reaction to Maine Shooting!

In a not-so-shocking turn of events, Democrat New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham is once again pushing for gun control. This time, she is using the recent tragic shooting in Maine to advance her agenda. It seems that every time a shooting occurs, the left immediately jumps on the opportunity to restrict the rights of law-abiding gun owners. It’s a tired tactic that does nothing to address the root causes of gun violence.

Grisham made headlines last month for issuing an order that banned concealed carry in larger cities like Albuquerque. Her order also prohibited the open carry of firearms. Thankfully, a US District Judge saw through Grisham’s unconstitutional power grab and blocked her order. But that hasn’t stopped her from trying to strip New Mexicans of their Second Amendment rights.

State Reps. Stefani Lord and John Block have had enough of Grisham’s overreach and are calling for her impeachment. They argue that her order violates her oath of office and infringes on the rights of New Mexicans. They are absolutely right. It is the duty of the legislature to step in when the government exceeds its authority, and that is exactly what Grisham has done.

Rather than tackling the real issues contributing to crime, Grisham is fixated on restricting the rights of law-abiding citizens. It is a classic case of misplaced priorities. Instead of focusing on mental health, education, or poverty alleviation, she wants to disarm the very people who could protect themselves and others in dangerous situations. It’s an abhorrent attempt to force her radical, progressive agenda on an unwilling populous.

As for the Maine shooting, Grisham is using it as an excuse to call for more gun control. However, she conveniently fails to mention which specific gun control measures she deems “appropriate.” This is likely because the details surrounding the shooter’s acquisition of the firearm have not been revealed. It would be foolish to rush to enact new laws without knowing all the facts.

The suspected shooter, Robert Card, is still at large, and authorities have issued an arrest warrant for him on eight counts of murder. It is a tragic and horrific event that no one should have to experience. But using this tragedy to advance an ideological agenda is despicable. Grisham would rather exploit the pain and suffering of others than address the real issues that lead to violence.

Governor Grisham, like many on the left, has a skewed understanding of the Second Amendment and its purpose. The Constitution guarantees the right to bear arms for self-defense and protection against tyranny. It is not a suggestion or a mere privilege to be granted or taken away at the whims of politicians. It is a fundamental right that must be upheld.

It is time for Governor Grisham to reassess her priorities and start focusing on addressing the root causes of crime. Restricting the rights of law-abiding citizens is not the solution. It is an infringement on our freedoms and an expansion of government power. New Mexicans deserve better. They deserve a leader who will protect their rights and work to make their communities safer through comprehensive and effective policies, not gun control measures that only punish law-abiding citizens.

Written by Staff Reports

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