
Guess Who’s Underestimating Trump Yet Again? Kamala Harris Stumped!

In a recent interview on CBS’s Face the Nation, Kamala Harris appeared to become confused when asked about the threat of a second Trump presidency. When anchor Margaret Brennan questioned Harris if she is “taking the threat of a second Trump presidency seriously enough,” Harris seemed unsure of how to respond. This moment of confusion does little to reassure conservatives that Harris is prepared for the challenges of being commander-in-chief.

During the interview, Brennan brought up concerns about Joe Biden’s age, citing a poll from The Wall Street Journal which showed that two-thirds of Democrats believe Biden is too old to run again. Brennan then asked Harris directly if she is prepared to be commander-in-chief. In her response, Harris tried to assure the audience that Biden is going to be fine and downplayed any concerns about his age. While it’s important for Harris to support her running mate, her answer did not directly address the question at hand.

When Brennan pressed Harris about taking the threat of a second Trump presidency seriously, Harris appeared even more confused. She replied, “I don’t understand the question.” This lack of clarity from Harris is concerning for conservatives who believe it is critical for leaders to be able to understand and respond to important questions about the future of our country.

Furthermore, Harris’s dismissal of Republican criticism and her assertion that they will win reelection only adds to the partisan divide. It is important for leaders to engage with different opinions and address concerns from all sides. Harris’s response does not inspire confidence in her ability to unite the country and effectively lead as vice president.

Overall, this interview raises questions about Harris’s preparedness for the role of vice president and whether she fully understands the seriousness of the challenges ahead. Conservatives are looking for strong, decisive leaders who can address the concerns of all Americans, and Harris’s confusion and dismissiveness in this interview does not instill confidence in her abilities.

Written by Staff Reports

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