
Gun Ownership Soars, Leaving Leftists Panicking & Gasping for Air

In a shocking turn of events, a new national poll has revealed that a whopping 52% of registered voters or someone in their households now own a gun. Talk about exercising those Second Amendment rights! This surge in gun ownership has left leftists clutching their pearls and scrambling to find a safe space.

The NBC News/Wall Street Journal survey conducted by Micah Roberts of Public Opinion Strategies and Hart Research has shown a mind-blowing 10% increase in gun ownership over the past decade. That’s right, folks, Americans are embracing their constitutional right to bear arms like never before!

But hold onto your hats because it gets even more interesting. This surge in gun ownership isn’t just a bipartisan trend – it’s a very partisan one. The majority of gun owners are proudly standing on the right side of the aisle, with a whopping 66% of Republicans having a gun in their household. Meanwhile, only 45% of Independents and a measly 41% of Democrats can say the same. Looks like conservatives have a firmer grasp on the importance of self-defense!

Now here’s a revelation that will leave liberals scratching their heads. Black voters have experienced a massive 17-point increase in gun ownership within just four years. That’s right, folks, the African American community is arming themselves! It seems they understand the crucial role firearms play in protecting themselves and their loved ones. Sorry, leftists, your narrative of disarming minorities just got shattered into a million pieces.

But wait, there’s more! According to the Harvard/Harris poll, even among Democrats, a majority of 54% agreed that owning a gun is necessary for self-defense. That’s right, folks, even left-leaning Americans can’t deny the importance of being armed, no matter how hard they try.

And guess who Americans are holding accountable for the recent spike in crime? A whopping 56% of them agree that “woke politicians” are to blame for the rise in criminal activities. Finally, people are waking up to the fact that far-left policies have disastrous consequences for public safety. It’s about time!

So, while leftists continue to push for stricter gun control laws, the American people are speaking loud and clear – they see the importance of protecting themselves and their loved ones. Gun ownership is on the rise, and it’s a beautiful sight to behold. Don’t mess with the Second Amendment, liberals, because the American people are locked, loaded, and ready to defend their rights!

Written by Staff Reports

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