
Haley’s Border Bungle Rattles Right-Wing Race

Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley’s border wall blunder sent shockwaves through the conservative camp during a heated debate with Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL). This article has brought all the juicy details of Haley’s campaign scramble to save face after she fumbled in her stance on the U.S. southern border wall.

Haley’s slip-up on the debate stage, where she mentioned banning the wall, sparked a wave of backlash on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter. The Trump campaign seized the opportunity to pounce on Haley, labeling her as “weak” on immigration and a foe of the border wall. They even brought up her previous rejection of Trump’s travel ban on immigrants from countries like Iran, Syria, and North Korea, accusing her of being “un-American.”

To add insult to injury, Trump himself, skipping the debate for a Fox News town hall, intensified his attacks on Haley as she gained momentum in the polls, sometimes even surpassing DeSantis for second place. It’s a classic case of a conservative catfight as DeSantis and Haley duke it out to stake their claim as the top alternative to Trump.

But wait, the drama doesn’t end there! Haley’s campaign swooped in to do some damage control, with a spokeswoman clarifying that Nikki actually meant to say “build a wall” instead of “ban a wall.” Phew, crisis averted…or is it? With only five days before the Jan. 15 Iowa caucuses, this gaffe couldn’t have come at a worse time for Haley and her team.

Still, Haley remained resilient, adamantly defending her anti-illegal immigration stance and touting her record of passing tough immigration laws in South Carolina when she served as governor. She even took to X during the debate to reinforce her commitment to securing American jobs for Americans, not illegal immigrants. Talk about a fiery comeback!

As the countdown to the Iowa caucuses ticks away, the pressure is mounting for both DeSantis and Haley to make their case to voters on a national stage. With the spotlight shining bright on this conservative showdown, the stakes couldn’t be higher. Let the battle for the podium begin!

Source: Washington Examiner

Written by Staff Reports

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