
Hamas’ Hostage Games: Americans Abandoned While Biden Twiddles Thumbs

Well folks, it seems like the Hamas circus is still in town, and they’re playing games with the lives of innocent hostages. Yesterday, on day four of the extended six-day ceasefire, seventeen hostages were finally released by Hamas. But hold your horses, because none of them were the eight to nine Americans that are STILL being held by these Iranian-backed terrorists.

Can you believe it? While American citizens are languishing in captivity, Hamas is busy playing a sick game of hot potato with their lives. It’s truly outrageous.

And if you thought the previous released hostages had it easy, think again. Those poor souls were harassed and taunted while being transferred like a bunch of rag dolls. Is this the behavior of a so-called “resistance movement”? It sounds more like the actions of a schoolyard bully.

But wait, it gets even worse. You know who’s deciding the fate of these hostages? It’s Hamas and Qatar, with some Israeli pressure thrown in for good measure. Can you believe the audacity of these terrorist goons dictating who gets to be set free? Meanwhile, the Biden administration seems to be missing in action, clueless about where some of the Americans are even being held. It’s like they’re playing a game of hide-and-seek while the lives of their own citizens hang in the balance. Pathetic.

And just when you think it can’t get any more farcical, they go ahead and extend the ceasefire for an additional two days. They expect us to believe that in the next 48 hours, twenty more hostages will be released. Well, excuse us for being skeptical, but there are no guarantees that any of those Americans will be included. According to the National Security Council’s spokesperson, the Biden administration isn’t even directly negotiating their release. They’re just standing on the sidelines, twiddling their thumbs as American citizens are left to suffer.

Folks, this is a true test of leadership, and it’s about time someone stepped up to the plate. We need a president who will prioritize the safety and freedom of American citizens above all else. It’s time to put an end to these reckless games and take decisive action against these terrorists. Hamas may think they’re in control, but it’s high time they learn that they’re dealing with a new sheriff in town. God bless America. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story.

Written by Staff Reports

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