
Hamas-Huggers Busted at Capitol: Soros Satellites Stir Chaos!

In a “Fox News” report, a group of agitators were found illegally protesting at the Cannon House building yet again. These troublemakers were staging dramatic die-ins and loudly chanting pro-Hamas slogans like “ceasefire now” while Capitol Police had to step in and arrest them one by one. It was like a real-life game of “cops and robbers,” except here, the robbers were the ones getting caught red-handed. Some of these troublemakers were even wearing shirts from a group called United We Dream, making it crystal clear where their loyalties lie.

The United We Dream group, as they call themselves, proudly boasts on their website that they are the “largest immigrant youth-led network in the country,” fighting for the rights of all immigrants. However, it seems like they’re spending more time chanting about Hamas than actually helping immigrants. It’s pretty ironic how these so-called “activists” are filling their time with anti-Israel rhetoric instead of focusing on issues that actually matter to their cause.

And if that wasn’t enough, it’s revealed that they collaborated with the far-left group IfNotNow, which has ties to none other than George Soros. It’s like a never-ending game of Connect the Dots, but with shady political figures instead of colorful markers.

But wait, there’s more! Not content with causing chaos at the Cannon House building, another group called CODEPINK announced their partnership with actress Susan Sarandon to stage a sit-in at the offices of some Democratic lawmakers. She’s not just an actress, folks; she’s also a political player in the pro-Hamas narrative. It’s like a Hollywood meets Washington crossover event, but with a lot more drama and a lot less popcorn.

These agitators were demanding a ceasefire for Hamas, conveniently forgetting the fact that Hamas is a terrorist organization hell-bent on wiping out Israel. It’s as if they skipped the “Terrorism 101” class and went straight to the “How to Cause Political Mischief” workshop.

But the plot thickens! This CODEPINK group even had the audacity to accuse AIPAC, a pro-Israel group, of donating “blood money” to lawmakers. It’s like a real-life soap opera, complete with villainous accusations and dramatic confrontations.

And just when you thought it couldn’t get any crazier, a United Nations official claimed that Hamas is not a terrorist group, causing even more uproar. It’s like a rollercoaster of political absurdity, with each twist and turn leaving everyone feeling dizzy and disoriented.

In the end, these antics from the pro-Hamas groups have sparked outrage and calls for defunding the UN, showing that even in the world of politics, the drama never seems to end. It’s like a never-ending episode of a reality TV show, with each scene more jaw-dropping than the last.

Written by Staff Reports

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