
Harris Anointed as Democrats’ Choice Biden Exits Harris Dominates with 2471 Delegates

The Democrats are in full swing as Vice President Kamala Harris takes a commanding lead in the race for the party’s nomination following the untimely exit of President Joe Biden. The moment Biden dropped out, he quickly took the opportunity to endorse Harris, sparking a flurry of endorsements and excitement among the Democrat elite. It seems the party has cleared the path for Harris as if they were rolling out an all-too-familiar red carpet.

Initial reports indicate that Harris wasted no time in consolidating her power, racking up an impressive 2,471 delegates—well beyond the 1,976 needed for a first-ballot victory. Just imagine a game of Monopoly where all the passionless Democrat players suddenly decide it’s time to hand over Boardwalk and Park Place to Harris without so much as a mortgage. 
It appears no other contenders are even being whispered of, leaving Harris looking like the undisputed queen of the Democratic chessboard.

In a confident display, Harris rallied her campaign staff in Delaware, assuring them that her team is ready to take on the nomination as if it were a friendly game of trivia at a family reunion. With a bold declaration to unite the party (and the nation, if that’s still on the table), she attempted to paint her candidacy as a noble crusade for freedom, even though many could argue that this “battle for the future” may just be more of the same leftist policies repackaged in a shiny new slogan.

The Democrats’ own Rusty Hicks chimed in with a glowing endorsement of support, claiming that around 75 to 80 percent of the delegation backed Harris without mentioning a single alternative candidate. This sounds about right for a party that seems to run on echo chambers, as they gather around Harris like moths to a flame, forgetting the fact that they’re likely to get burned again come election time.

Nevertheless, the fundraising hadn’t slowed down either. Harris reportedly broke records, garnering an eye-popping $81 million in donations within just one day. Claims of having 888,000 grassroots supporters certainly sound impressive, especially with a bulk of them being first-timers in the political donation scene—though many might wonder how many of those “supporters” are actual voters and how many are simply passersby who have yet to wean themselves off the Biden-Harris Kool-Aid. With such rampant enthusiasm from her supporters, one can’t help but think if this enthusiasm is borne from genuine commitment or merely a lack of viable options.

In summary, as Harris looks to sail smoothly toward the nomination, the Democratic Party appears more consolidated behind her than ever. Yet the enduring question lingers: when the novelty wears off, will voters still be enamored with the same old policies masked with new press releases? Only time will tell, but one thing is for sure: the Harris campaign is more flash than substance, and America may yet get a front-row seat to this political soap opera.

Written by Staff Reports

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