
Harris Struggles to Shake Biden’s Economic Baggage Amid Inflation Woes

The latest economic numbers might seem like good news for Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaign, but one has to wonder if a hiccup in inflation is enough to distract voters from the real damage done to their wallets over the past few years. With Biden exiting the race, Harris is left to try and convince the American public that she’s more competent than the man who kept putting them deeper in debt. Surely that seems like a daunting task, especially with inflation clinging to the economy like a stubborn stain.

Despite a bit of optimism floating around regarding gross domestic product growth and a drop in inflation from near double-digit levels, many Americans are still feeling the pinch in their day-to-day lives. The Fed might be tentatively suggesting a rate cut later, but for many voters, those aren’t the headlines they want to hear. They’d rather see a return to the booming economy experienced during Trump’s presidency rather than riding the coattails of a president who coined the term “Bidenomics” to describe the economic disaster unfolding under his watch.

This recent slowdown in inflation—which admittedly has crept down from its peak—is being touted as significant progress. However, let’s not ignore that prices are still 19% higher since Biden took office, which means that while Harris might try to sell her newfound economic prowess, most voters are still cringing at the grocery store checkout. Consumers are not just measuring inflation against some ideal figure; they’re acutely aware of how their paychecks have struggled to keep pace with rising costs.

Experts may claim that the latest GDP growth of 2.8% in the second quarter is a sign of a robust economy, but those numbers might be more reflective of a low bar set by previous months. After all, the same experts presided over a first quarter growth that was alarmingly weak at just 1.4%. If the economy is already lagging behind, one good report feels like a classic case of counting your blessings. Voters know it takes more than a seasonal uptick in growth figures to restore faith in economic management.

Harris is faced with a tough sell—attempting to separate herself from the Biden legacy while simultaneously claiming the crown of economic wizardry. Republican critics are all too ready to remind the public that any hint of progress is not without the backdrop of the “Harris Price Hikes.” With inflation still at a painful 2.5%, it’s safe to say that Harris’s bid for economic credibility may just backfire. Instead of rebranding Biden’s mess as her own success story, voters might see right through it, sensing only the familiar stench of failed liberal policies. 


While the political landscape is murky, the impact of economic mismanagement is quite clear. Republican leaders are already hammering Harris on the economic front, reminding voters that their struggles aren’t just numbers on a page—these are real lives and real hardships. As she attempts to unwrap the potential good news heading her way, Harris must convince a skeptical electorate that she is not just another puppet in Biden’s failed economic game.

Written by Staff Reports

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