
Harris Tanks in Polls, Media Spins as Trump Triumphs on Economy!

The mainstream media is at it again, trying to convince the American people that Vice President Kamala Harris is about as popular as a skunk at a picnic. According to a recent poll by NBC News, more than half of registered voters have a negative opinion of the vice president, with only 28% viewing her positively. But let’s be real here, folks, these so-called “polls” are about as reliable as a chocolate teapot.


Of course, the liberal media conveniently failed to mention that this poll was conducted during a time when the Biden administration was facing scrutiny over skyrocketing inflation and a border crisis that they’ve conveniently swept under the rug. It’s no wonder that folks are feeling a little less than enthusiastic about Harris and the rest of the bumbling Biden team.

And get this, Harris had the audacity to blame her low polling numbers on the American people not realizing all the supposedly great things the administration has done. Yeah, because nothing says “great accomplishments” like uncontrolled inflation and a border that’s about as secure as a screen door on a submarine. Give us a break, Kamala.

But wait, it gets even better. The same poll also showed President Joe Biden trailing former President Donald Trump by a whopping 22 percentage points in a matchup on who would handle the economy better. Trump received 55% of the responses, and Biden only got a sad 33%. Looks like the American people still have a hankering for some good ol’ Trump economics.

So, folks, don’t be fooled by these biased polls and the liberal spin machine. We all know that Kamala Harris and the Biden administration are about as popular as a tax hike on a summer day. Keep fighting the good fight, patriots, and let’s Make America Great Again!

Written by Staff Reports

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