
Harvard Boss Backed Amid Fresh Plagiarism Scandal!

Harvard’s President Claudine Gay is in hot water once again as new allegations of plagiarism have emerged, casting even more doubt on her ability to lead the prestigious institution. The Harvard Corporation, however, has released a statement backing Gay, but it seems like there may be more to the story than they are letting on.

Recently, it was brought to light that the previous claims of plagiarism against Gay may have just scratched the surface. A new complaint alleges over 40 instances of plagiarism in her publications, accounting for almost half of her scholarly output. 

According to reports from the Washington Free Beacon, the new allegations were independently verified and included examples of instances where Gay failed to properly attribute quotes or paraphrased authors without giving credit. The complaint spans over seven of Gay’s publications, showcasing an even more extensive pattern of potential plagiarism than previously thought.

Even the Harvard Corporation’s assertion that an independent review found “no violation of Harvard’s standards for research misconduct” seems questionable, as the complaint reveals that the review only focused on a small fraction of Gay’s work.

The complaint also brings up eyebrow-raising allegations, like Gay allegedly plagiarizing language from someone else’s dedication to use in her own dissertation’s dedication.

This controversy has not gone unnoticed by scholars like Carol Swain, whose work was reportedly plagiarized by Gay. Swain pointed out that tenure at a top-tier institution usually demands originality, something she feels Gay’s work lacks. She also raised concerns that Harvard might be giving preferential treatment to Gay because of her background, which she believes is unfair to hardworking individuals of all races.


Written by Staff Reports

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