
Harvard Boss in Hot Water: Plagiarism and Genocide Flubs!

Harvard Prez Claudine Gay can’t seem to catch a break lately. First, she’s out there telling Congress that it’s totally cool to talk about genocide against Jewish folks as long as you provide “context.” News flash, Claudine! Genocide is bad, no matter how you slice it! Then, researchers uncovered plagiarism in her dissertation. It’s like she thought she could sneak those stolen ideas past everyone. Bless her heart, but come on, Claudine!

And if you thought that was the end of it, think again! The Washington Free Beacon reports that seven of her publications are now under fire for more than 40 allegations of plagiarism. That’s a whole heap of plagiarism, y’all! Harvard had to swoop in and make some corrections to two of her articles, and now Claudine is begging for three more corrections to her dissertation. She’s probably sweating bullets over there at Harvard!

But wait, there’s more! The Harvard Crimson spilled the tea that a review by the Harvard Corporation found some shifty citation business in Claudine’s work, but they stopped short of really smacking her hand for it. They said her lack of proper citation was “regrettable,” but not quite serious enough to be called “research misconduct.” Seriously, Harvard? She’s practically got a bullseye on her back, and you’re giving her a pass? What’s next, a gold star for “Most Creative Plagiarism”?

To top it all off, former professor Carol Swain is out here defending Claudine, saying Harvard is cutting her some slack because she’s a “minority of high pedigree.” Oh, give me a break! What happened to holding everyone to the same high standards, regardless of their background? It’s like they’re playing the world’s smallest violin for poor Claudine.

So, there you have it, folks. Harvard’s under fire, Claudine’s got some explaining to do, and the academic world is upside down. What a time to be alive!

Written by Staff Reports

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